"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.SheetsUtil = void 0;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
const googleapis_1 = require("googleapis");
const core_util_1 = require("./core.util");
* Utilities for [Google Sheets API](https://developers.google.com/sheets)
class SheetsUtil {
* Create a client for the Google Sheets API
* @param pathJwtFile Path to the JSON Web Token file for google service account credentials.
* @param canWrite Whether to allow writing or not.
static async createClient(pathJwtFile, canWrite = false) {
const scopeSuffix = canWrite ? '' : '.readonly';
const jwt = await (0, core_util_1.authorizeByJwt)(pathJwtFile, `https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets${scopeSuffix}`);
return googleapis_1.google.sheets({ version: 'v4', auth: jwt });
static diff(originalValues, newValues) {
if (!newValues) {
const cellCount = originalValues?.length ?? 0;
return [...Array(cellCount)].map(_ => '');
if (!originalValues) {
return newValues;
const maxCellCount = Math.max(originalValues.length, newValues.length);
const values = [...Array(maxCellCount)].map(_ => '');
newValues.forEach((value, i) => {
const original = originalValues[i] ?? '';
const isSame = !Number.isNaN(original)
? (0, core_util_1.isSameFloat)(value, original)
: value === original;
return isSame ? null : value;
return values.every(value => value === null) ? [] : values;
* Find sheetId in a spreadsheet
* @param client Google Sheets API client.
* @param spreadsheetId The spreadsheet to request.
* @param title The name of the sheet to search.
static async findSheetId(client, spreadsheetId, title) {
const response = await client.spreadsheets.get({
spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId,
includeGridData: false,
auth: client.context._options.auth,
const id = response.data.sheets
?.map(x => x.properties)
?.find(x => x?.title === title)?.sheetId;
return !id ? undefined : id;
exports.SheetsUtil = SheetsUtil;